Lung cancer mostly cause in the epithelial or lining cells around lung. Lung cancer is also called bronchogenic carcinomas. Lung cancer is the major cancer than other. The main function of the lung is to purify oxygen. It purifies De-oxygenated air and remove carbon dioxide. Imagine if your blood mix with carbon dioxide. What happened?
When carbon dioxide combines with blood it is consider as impure blood. If you are under the water for a long time.
When carbon dioxide combines with blood it is consider as impure blood. If you are under the water for a long time.
How long will you be under the water without breathing?
The same result happens if your blood is mixed with co2. At one stage you will reach the water surface, But if you are closed at the top of the water, there is no way to come out. If your blood is mixed with carbon dioxide various problems may occur. Like, heart failure, improper brain function,etc. The improper flow of blood mainly causes cancer. This may also cause damages to DNA's. Cancer is not a contagious disease.
Causes of cancer :
1. Smoking.
2. Air pollution.
3. Alcohol consumption.
4. Improper diet.
5. Impure Environment.
6. Hormone change due intake of to wrong medicine.
7. Unwanted fat or Obesity.
Smoking :
Among all smoking is the main reason for Lung cancer. Cigarette contains many chemicals. One of the most harmful chemicals in cigarette is "Nicotine". It is the one which is responsible for addiction. Nicotine is a neurotoxin (A toxic substance that kills nerve cells).
Alcohol consumption :
The second main reason is Alcohol consumption. The intake of Alcohol controls our central nervous system. So, there is no way escaping from addiction. Alcohol addiction is not quicker than the cigarette smoking, but it harms our central nervous system vigorously. As a result, the improper secretion of hormone may happen. This reflects as a DNA malfunction.
Air pollution :
Smoke released by automobiles, air conditioners, smokers affect our entire atmosphere. It is also a reason for Lung cancer. Oxygen combined with carbon dioxide and dusts affects the flow of blood and breathing. The Improper flow of blood may cause cancer.
Improper Diet :
The improper diet is responsible for various types of diseases. Among them Lung cancer is also the one integrated in it. Everyday we should take a healthy balanced diet. Many people go to bed late and woke up late in the morning. Some may not take a proper diet in the morning because they run towards office with no time. It not only affects energy in our body. It also causes depression, pressure, diabetes, and improper secretion of hormones. All the other diseases are caused because of hormone changes. Lung cancer is also a disease among one.
Impure environment :
Impure environment may also cause Lung cancer. In many of your home pet animals play a major role in your life. Some love it. Some live without it. Some pets like cats may cause breathing problem. This may not happen for in all cases. These only happen for improper pet care.
Intake of wrong medicine :
The Intake of medicine without consulting doctors sometime makes a wrong way to improper functioning of hormones. As a result DNA change occurs. This is also a chance to get infected by lung cancer.
A recent survey warned that most people in major countries are affected by obesity. You may have a question.
How can obesity have a chance for lung cancer?
If you take over dosage of medicine it sometime leads to various unwanted chemical changes in our body, Which may cause various disease like heart attack, paralysis, blindness, etc. Fat is nothing but lipids. Lipid is also a required chemical in our body for some energy production. If your lipid levels in your body go beyond a limit, the same reaction cause equals to over dosage of medicine.
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